WHO can join a small group?

We encourage any adult, member or non-member, single or married, to be involved in our small groups.


WHAT is the purpose for small groups?

To create small communities that develop relationships safe enough for us to care for one another through Jesus’ grace and truth. If you have not previously joined a small group, this is a good time for you to move into the mainstream of the life of our congregation. New groups are formed periodically. Groups focus on nurturing one another as believers, although the style and content will vary by group. Some of the options include: Sermon reflection and application, Bible Studies, Topical Studies, Discussion of Christian books.


WHEN do the small groups meet?

Sunday and Wednesday nights are the primary meeting times for small groups. There are groups that gather on alternative days/nights. Small groups usually meet the first three weeks of the month. On Sundays, groups gather from 5:00 to 6:30 PM and are sometimes followed by a church-wide fellowship dinner in Fellowship Hall. On Wednesdays groups typically meet from 6:15–8:00 PM. Small groups usually meet from September through November, and then start back in January through April.


WHERE do the small groups meet?

Many groups meet in homes of members who live near the church. Others reserve a room on campus and meet there. Some groups, especially those that have families with small children, elect to meet at the church and have nursery and childcare provided.


HOW can I sign up?

Signing up is easy. Simply click the link below to let us know your interest and availability. You can also contact the church office at 205-967-0680. We will work to match you with a group that is compatible to you. You can join a group at any point.