Engaging, Encouraging, and Equipping Students
Vision: The AVPC Student Ministry provides an environment for both introduction to and growth in the gospel through exposure to God’s word and God’s people. We try to foster a fun-loving, edifying haven from worldliness as we seek to serve one another and the world.
Sunday School
Meets from 9:45 – 10:45 AM.
Our desire during this time is to grow deeper in our faith and in our relationship with Jesus Christ through the study of God’s Word.
Jr and Sr. High students meet in the youth house or Altadena House (the house across the street from the church).
Small Groups
AVPC students meet weekly in one of a number of relationally-driven small groups. There we focus on investigating God’s word, applying it to our lives, and holding one another accountable.
Youth Small Groups meet in various locations and are divided into Sr. High and Jr High, and also by gender.
Youth Group
Meets Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30 p.m.
We play games, hang out, worship God with our praise band, and study God’s word to focus on issues that you face as a student.
Jr. High & Sr. High students meet at the Altadena House.
Questions about anything youth-related? Contact Clint Cvacho Youth Director, at clint@avpc.org