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Web Links
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is a searchable online Bible in more than 200 versions and 70 languages that you can freely read, research, and reference anywhere. With a library of audio Bibles, a mobile app, devotionals, email newsletters, and other free resources, Bible Gateway equips you not only to read the Bible, but to understand it.
Presbyterian Church in America
The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) was formed in 1973 to be a denomination that is “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission.”
The PCA is an evangelical denomination in that we proclaim the gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The word “evangelical” comes from the Greek word meaning “good news.” We desire all people to trust in the saving work of Jesus and enjoy eternal life in him.
The PCA is a reformed denomination in that we believe in the biblical truth proclaimed during the Protestant Reformation. The Word of God, rather than tradition, is the only guide for the Church. God alone saves through his immeasurable mercy and according to his sovereign plan. We believe the system of doctrine taught in the Bible is summarized well in the Westminster Confession of Faith with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
The PCA is a Presbyterian denomination in that we have a representative form of church government. A local church is governed by a “Session” comprised of elders (i.e., “presbyters”) elected by the members of the congregation. Pastors and representatives of local churches in a region form a “Presbytery.” Representatives of Presbyteries and local churches meet annually at a “General Assembly.”
The General Assembly Committees and Agencies help local churches combine their efforts and resources to advance God’s Kingdom more effectively.
byFaith Magazine
byFaith is the official magazine of the PCA. You can visit their website to find a wide variety of articles, podcasts, book recommendations, and more.
Westminster Confession of Faith
When the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America was formed in 1788, it adopted (with minor revisions) the Westminster Confession of Faith, Larger and Shorter Catechisms (1647), as its secondary standards (the Bible itself being the only infallible rule of faith and practice). Officers in the Presbyterian Church in America take a vow to “sincerely receive and adopt” these confessional documents “as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures.”
PCA Historical Order
If you are looking for the PCA’s position about a specific topic, please visit the PCA Historical Center’s collection of PCA Position Papers.
Book of Church Order
BCO 2024
The Book of Church Order, commonly referred to as BCO, is part of the constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America, which is subject to and subordinate to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the inerrant Word Of God. The BCO is comprised of the Form of Government, the Rules of Discipline and the Directory for Worship as adopted by the Church
To search The Book of Church Order, click on the link below to access the online PDF of the document, then use Control+F to activate a search box. Type in the word or phrase you are looking for, and it will find all instances where this phrase is found in the BCO.