Meets on Sunday mornings, from 9:45- 10:45 AM.
What are Sunday School Communities?
At Altadena, our Sunday School classes operate in a community format consisting of four “mini-congregations.” While teachers and topics may rotate, the communities stay together over time.
Why do we have Sunday School Communities?
We have three purposes. First, this helps us better shepherd the congregation, a goal which has been challenged by the recent growth God has given to our church. Second, this helps us bring new people into the life of the congregation, welcoming them by giving them a sense that “I belong here.” Third, we use this hour to make disciples by “teaching them to observe all that Jesus has commanded.”
Which community should I join?
The four communities meet in the Conference Room, Fellowship Hall, Acton Hall, and the Mezzanine Room. You are free to join any group you want, and even to test out the groups before making a decision. To help you choose, we encourage everyone to join the same Sunday School community as members of their small group. Each community has a pastor over it and consists of several small groups.
How can I learn more?
If you have any questions, you can contact the church office at 205-967-0680. You can also reach out the community pastors listed below.
Acton Hall Community
Pastor: Steve Whitner –
Conference Room Community
Community Shepherd: Scott Wilson
Fellowship Hall Community
Pastor: Michael MacCaughelty –
Mezzanine Community
Pastor: Blake Harris –
View current Sunday School information by clicking here to view our resources page containing a link to our Sunday School classes in PDF format.
Fellowship Brunches
Once a quarter, we host a church-wide Fellowship Brunch during the Sunday School hour. We use this time to build relationships among our church family and hear about the work of various ministries. Check the church calendar to find the date of the next brunch.